商品名稱: Lynda.com CINEMA 4D R13 New Features
商品分類: 電腦認證與應用學習
商品類型: CINEMA 4D R13 新功能教程視頻軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: Windows XP/Vista/7
更新日期: 2012-05-03
Lynda.com 出品的時長2小時14分鐘的CINEMA 4D R13新功能教程視頻,由Rob Garrott簡述了
MAXON公司CINEMA 4D的渲染,著色,字元工具,其中包括一些重要的改進R13的更新。並演示
This course spotlights the R13 update for MAXON CINEMA 4D, which includes
some key improvements in the rendering, shader, and character tools.
Author Rob Garrott shows animators how to find their way around the
interface, and demonstrates features such as the Physical Render engine,
with its camera and depth of field and motion blur controls; the CMotion
system for creating parametric movement; and the new and revised shaders.
The course also covers the streamlined workflow for Adobe After Effects
Exchange and the new file format options OpenEXR and Xref. Exercise files
are included with the course
Topics include:
>> Comparing the menus, viewports, and other interface differences
>> Enabling progressive rendering with the Physical Render engine
>> Building and applying rigs with the character object
>> Working with the new Collision Deformer
>> Using the new shaders: Mograph Multi Shader, subsurface scattering, brick, and more
>> Embracing the new stereoscopic workflow
Welcome 00m 52s
Using the exercise files 00m 27s
17m 41s
1. Interface and Navigation Changes Introducing the R13 interface 05m 34s
Comparing the main menu bar 03m 07s
Comparing modes and tools icons 03m 20s
Comparing Object Manager tabs and layout buttons 01m 41s
Comparing contextual menus 01m 46s
Comparing viewport menus 02m 13s
26m 23s
2. Render Engine Enhancements What is the Physical Render Engine? 01m 25s
Physical Render: Physical Camera 06m 09s
Physical Render: depth of field 06m 41s
Physical Render: motion blur 06m 56s
Physical Render: progressive rendering 05m 12s
30m 48s
3. New Character Tools and Improvements Using the Character object for building and applying rigs 10m 25s
Using the CMotion system for creating parametric movement 08m 27s
The newly designed Muscle system 07m 17s
The new Collision deformer 04m 39s
27m 57s
4. New and Revised Shaders Mograph Multi Shader 07m 04s
Subsurface Scattering shader 07m 26s
Brick shader 08m 36s
Terrain Mask shader 04m 51s
27m 00s
5. Workflow Additions After Effects Exchange improvements 04m 47s
Stereoscopic workflow 08m 11s
Multipass OpenEXR files 08m 40s
Xrefs format rewrite 05m 22s
00m 57s
Conclusion Conclusion 00m 57s