商品名稱: JetBrains TeamCity Enterprise v6.0.15772 Linux MacOSX
商品分類: Linux系統專用軟體
商品類型: 分佈式構建管理和持續集成軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: LINUX (以官方網站為準)
更新日期: 2011-01-06
TeamCity 在構建網路的支援下具有卓越的升級性能,通過 Java API 則具有了延展性,並且可以與多種智慧磁碟設備、版本控制系統以及構建工具實現整合,因此它已經被全球各地的數百家企業所採用。作為一種解決方案,它不僅可以讓各個開發商和團隊輕鬆管理和優化大型構建構架下的軟體設計,還可以為他們提供應用程式,因此得到了廣泛的認可。
TeamCity 實現了程式的自動化操作、簡化了軟體的開發流程、改善了團隊的溝通、幫助了開發團隊執行靈活的方法以及其他業界最佳實踐。
JetBrains 首席執行官 Sergey Dmitriev 表示:"自從 TeamCity 誕生以來,它已經成為我們自身開發流程中的關鍵要素。JetBrains 的 TeamCity 伺服器目前在一個有著50多家構建代理參與的構建網路中提供50多種構建配置。TeamCity 具有眾多功能,例如可以迅速反饋構建進展、進行預測試的調撥、利用600多次編碼檢查分析伺服器一端的編碼等等,因而大大減少了推出新功能和新產品所需要的時間。"
TeamCity is a distributed build management and continuous
integration system that allows your teamto run and monitor
your software building process while improving team
communication, productivity and the integration of changes.
With TeamCity:
- the process of integrating changes becomes a core part of
your daily activities,
- integration problems are discovered even before
the build is complete,
- you are notified only about the events you are
interested in,
- the process of creating builds is quick and
TeamCity's basic unit of work is a software build. To build
your software using TeamCity, you need to have at least one
"Build Agent" - a build computer with a set of predefined
parameters (such as systemand environment variables, JDK
version, etc). The build agents are arranged into a build
grid. Each software build, in turn, has its own
configuration - a set of actions and parameters specified
for it. These include the build runner, build schedule,
etc.The build agent must meet the builds configuration's
requirements: if there is a free build agent that meets the
build configuration requirements, the build is started.
Otherwise, the build is put into the queue and is processed
when a compatible buildagent becomes free.